About three weeks ago I purchased some antique reproduction furniture. I waited patiently for its arrival, expecting every day when I came home that it would have been delivered and Lin (my efficient and amazing aiyi) would have unpacked it for me. In this thought, I was sadly delusional. Eventually, I resorted to e-mailing Mandy, the furniture lady who seemed not to notice that she had not delivered the furniture to me and 6 or 7 others. She committed to deliver it on Wednesday.
On Tuesday afternoon I got an e-mail from Mandy stating that the furniture would be delivered on Tuesday night at 9:30 p.m. I was slightly concerned, as that was rather close to bedtime, and I really, really love my sleep. But, it was coming, and I was glad about that. I popped in a Mr. Xu special into the computer and stretched out on the couch anticipating the delivery. 9:30 and no furniture. I checked my e-mail and noticed a note from Mandy stating that the furniture would be delivered to Ersha Island at 10:00. I knew mine would be coming after that. By 10:30 there was still no sign of the furniture. I did what any tired person that has to arise near dawn would do and went to bed. At 11:50 the intercom buzzed. Aha! Furniture. Nope. Someone had randomly buzzed my unit trying to get into the building. Unfortunatley, I got a call at the same time saying that the furninture had arrived. So, I thought that the buzz at my door was my stuff. I waited for 10 minutes. Nothing happened. I got into the elevator and went downstairs. No one was there. I called back and was told that the furniture was there. Mandy promised it was in my elevator. I assured the English speaking intermediary that there was no furniture in the elevator. I sat on the leather couch in the lobby sweaty and pissed off. Minutes passed. I went back upstairs. I got a call from another co-worker who was equally angry. Profanity happened, I must admit. At 12:37 a.m. my doorbell rang. Finally, the furniture. I think it's pretty safe to say Mandy the furniture lady has lost my business as furniture delivery and 12:37 a.m. are two things that just don't belong together.
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