Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Aerobics anyone?

I went out for Taiwanese food (yes, there is such a thing and, yes, it is delicious) and decided that I needed to walk off my dinner. It’s been a little warm and humid which is not surprising considering that I live below the Tropic of Cancer, so I have avoided being outside when air conditioning has been available. Not tonight. I live very near the Pearl River which has an excellent path beside it. I was a little leery about walking alone at night, as being from the USA we just learn to worry about such things. Unnecessary worry. In a city the size of Guangzhou, you are never alone.
I headed out from my apartment with my Camelback and passport as you need that at all times. It would be nice if I could just tattoo on the number and the residency visa. I passed my nail salon, the wet market, a few wine shops and a place that sells expensive bedding. As I approached the river, I noticed that I was hearing music. Loud music. And there were people out. Hundreds of them. Doing aerobics. In a public square. It was a little surreal. There was also some waltzing going on, biking, walking, skateboarding, rollerblading, picnicking and a guy doing some karaoke. I think he may have had some sort of agenda as he had a sign and just about the time I walked past 3 police officers on Vespas had pulled up to put an end to the singing (while it may have been bad, it was hardly a crime)...In addition to the people there were vast displays of neon and twinkly lights. It was a beautiful evening. I’ll be taking that walk again soon.

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